Latest News Living Why Do Cats Move Their Kittens?

Why Do Cats Move Their Kittens?

A cat is a domestic animal. It is a carnivorous and mammalian animal.

The cat is also considered a symbol of self-reliance and confidence. Because of this, cats are kept in the homes

Cat is also considered as a form of tense. Therefore, there is a religious belief that keeping a cat in the house will bring happiness, peace and prosperity to the house.

Cats also take care of children in a unique way. Kittens begin to open their eyes between 7 and 9 days after birth.

Until the Kittens’s eyes open, the cat keeps it in the place where it was born and sucks its milk. But after opening its eyes, it takes it from one place to another by grabbing it with its mouth.

The cat will carry the Kittens until they can no longer hunt or protect themselves.

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