Latest News Health How to know if chest pain is a symptom of heart attack?

How to know if chest pain is a symptom of heart attack?

Chest pain can be caused by many reasons. The experience of pain can also be different. Some have pain on the left side of the chest, some have pain on the right side. Sometimes it hurts a little, sometimes it hurts so much that I can’t bear it. The cause can be found based on the condition of the pain, the health condition of the person or the habits.

As some people feel chest pain even when the stomach is full of gas. Some people get pneumonia like this. Continuous coughing also causes chest pain. Chest pain due to lung infection, problem in alimentary canal, bone or muscle.

Apart from that, some serious diseases also hurt. Like, a heart attack.

Chest pain due to heart or other reasons? It is difficult to distinguish about this. It can be decided after the hospital.

Many of the patients we saw at Gangalal Hospital had heart attacks, who came to the hospital because of chest pain. So if there is pain in the chest then we must know whether it is due to the heart or not.

A sudden heart attack is a risk.

However, some general signs can be found before this. Like chest pain during normal walking, pain when resting, profuse sweating can also be symptoms of heart attack. However, the symptoms of heart attack may not be the same for everyone.

A heart problem can have a slightly different experience of chest pain. Such as chest pain or feeling of heaviness, vomiting with chest pain, sudden sweating, difficulty in breathing, irregular heartbeat. However, it is not appropriate to wait for symptoms. As far as possible, if you have chest pain, you should go to the nearest health center and get checked. Chest pain is the main symptom of heart attack. Let’s not play it.

Is this a sign of heart attack?

If someone is in the risk category of heart disease, they should be careful with chest pain. Especially those with heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, and if someone in the family has a history of heart attack, such people are in the risk category.

People who smoke a lot of cigarettes and drink alcohol are also at risk of heart attack. It does not mean that other people are safe from it. Anyone can have a heart attack, but the risk may be higher for some and less for others.

The risk of heart attack is also seen based on age. As in the case of men, if they are 45 years old or above, they are at risk of heart attack, while in case of women, there is such a risk if they are above 55 years of age.

Winter season and heart attacks

What is often seen is that the incidence of heart attacks is higher in winter. This happens because of the cold or cold that can cause the blood flow to be obstructed. In winter, the heart tube or artery shrinks and narrows. This causes blockage of blood flow and increases the risk of heart attack.

Should be checked with chest pain?

If you fall into the risk category and the chest pain is consistent with the symptoms of a heart attack, you should contact the hospital or doctor. Because looking from the outside, it is not possible to determine why and in which part it hurts. For this, it is known only after examination by the concerned doctor.

As soon as possible, any chest pain should be checked by a doctor. Some people ignore the chest pain thinking that it might be another problem. They stay at home thinking that they may have chest pain due to gastritis or cold. Due to this, they may be more at risk. Because most of the patients who come to Gangalal Hospital with chest pain have heart attacks.

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