Latest News Sports Ministry looking for a martial arts ring

Ministry looking for a martial arts ring

Pokhara. The employees of the then Ministry of Youth and Sports have started looking for a martial art ring. After the news of irregularities in ring goods worth around 15 lakhs came out, the ministry started searching for the ring goods. Jeevan Sharma, who was a store keeper of the ministry at that time, said – 'The iron goods are there, then some goods have been kept in the council. The plaques say what items are kept in the council. I also followed up with the contractor and the contractor said that he will complete it when the goods are connected,' he said. Some stuff is there, firms and poles are in the council. Where has the contractor kept the back seat items etc. I'm looking for it.' He is currently in the Ministry of Social Development. It was seen that the ministry paid the bill according to the stamate of the goods. When contacting the contractor company repeatedly on this matter, his phone is not being picked up. Sharma says that the provincial sports council and the contractor are together. The Provincial Sports Council organized the National Muwanthai Championship in Pokhara on January 9. The same martial art ring was brought during the competition. Tournament coordinator Khagendra Chhetri informed that he did not find much when he brought the martial art ring. 'I asked if the Ministry of Sports has a martial art ring. I was the coordinator of the council competition. However, since there was no complete equipment here, I brought the boxing association's ring equipment and started to complete the tournament. Maybe because the work was not completed, but the ring that was supposed to be made was not made.' According to him, all the accessories in the martial art ring except the base of the ring were stolen. On the other hand, Kaski District Boxing Association President Suman Shrestha clarified that the belongings of the boxing ring inside the Pokhara Stadium were taken away. 'We gave it to you after we got the news that we needed the boxing ring. They have taken the ring rope, mat and other items' he said, 'I even said that the to ring itself is taken but since this is a fixed ring, all the above items (except the base of the ring) have been taken and brought like that.' Tournament coordinator Chhetri, who is also a member of the state sports council, said that it was wrong to bring it without joining, but there was a reason for bringing it that way. He admitted that he brought the goods when they were not completed. When he asked the contractor Ramraj Adhikari for a ring, he picked it up after not getting the whole thing. He made the mistake of bringing it without government support. But even when bringing the same goods, it seems that the ring's goods are insufficient due to the fact that the ministry is in disarray. Even when there are insufficient goods, it seems that the goods are paid without a bill based on the contractor's bid. 'I asked the contractor for a ring. After Ramraj did not complete the goods, he told others. I was hoping to get the whole thing.' After the competition, the belongings of the ring were left in Pokhara 6 Baidam.

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