Latest News Business Testing of Rasuwagadhi hydropower project is in final stage

Testing of Rasuwagadhi hydropower project is in final stage

Rasuwa The testing of Rasuwagadhi hydropower project of 111 MW capacity under construction has reached the final stage. Chief executive officer of the project Chibi Gahre informed that after testing the dam site of the project, which has been started since Saturday, there is a schedule to test the various structures of the tunnel in a phased manner. According to him, there are preparations to start technical testing of sand thigraun, pool tunnel, penstock and other equipment. Also, 146 meters of the tunnel's extremely weak geological condition and the electromechanical equipment being prepared for connection to the underground power plant were flooded, affecting the work progress of all areas, the company said, delaying the construction. According to the company's new schedule, the project aims to start production by March 2080. According to the company, the estimated cost of 18.47 billion rupees excluding interest during the construction period. At the time of signing the Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) with the Nepal Electricity Authority, the target was to complete the construction with a total investment of 13 billion 684 million rupees. Similarly, MS Royal Construction Company is doing the contract for the transmission line of the project. Mudbhari & Joshi Pvt Ltd, which had previously won the contract, has repeatedly extended the deadline for various reasons, but the contract has been terminated as there is no solid basis for the completion of the work within the stipulated time. It is said that the contract was signed with Royal Construction on 15th October 2079 and the foundation of the line was prepared and the work of erecting the tower and pulling the wire was completed. The company has requested not to carry out operations around the river as it will have to pump and release river water throughout the trial period. The company has issued a notification and informed that the water level in the lower coastal area of ​​the dam site will continue to decrease in the places on the banks of the river. During that time, it has been requested not to fish, bathe, wash clothes, graze and quarry stones and not to do any kind of activities in the river.

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